0% το ποσοστό γραμμών οι οποίες είναι εξοπλισμένες με Συστήματα Προστασίας Τρένων (TPSs) το 2022

Γράφτηκε από  Κατηγορία ΕΠΙΚΑΙΡΟΤΗΤΑ Παρασκευή, 12 Απριλίου 2024 11:55
πηγή: Report on railway safety and interoperability in the EU, 2022
A-19 Deployment of train protection systems on railway lines Purpose The installation of TPSs is widely considered one of the most effective railway safety measures for reducing the risk of collisions between trains. The deployment of these systems on the national railway network and their use is monitored under the CSIs. Given the wide range of types and versions of TPSs in the EU, a classification focusing on three levels of assistance provided to the train driver is considered a solid basis for reporting comparable statistical data. While TPSs are non-interoperable legacy systems, also known as class B systems, with varying functions, reliability and accuracy, depending on when they were installed, the European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) is the most advanced class A system and its installation across all core/comprehensive networks of the EU is mandated (8). The ERTMS is the European standard system for automatic train protection. It ensures a high level of safety, interoperability, reliability and performance. Some Member States have decided to deploy the ERTMS on their entire rail network, thus going beyond the EU legal requirements. In fact, several TPSs are obsolete, and have low reliability, low safety levels and low performance.
Indicators The shares of railway lines equipped with TPSs (per level of assistance) and with the ERTMS are used as indicators.
Findings Some EU Member States reported advanced TPSs functional levels (including in some cases the ERTMS or other advanced class B systems), while a few other countries did not report the share of tracks equipped with TPSs (or reported that no tracks were equipped with TPSs). Among countries providing TPS data, Germany, Spain, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Romania reported that more than 90 % of their networks are equipped with TPSs that provide the highest level of train protection, that is warning, automatic stop and (discrete or continuous) supervision of train speed. However, a significant proportion of railway lines in other Member States are still not protected by TPSs. The deployment of the ERTMS has been limited so far; only a few countries have deployed the system on a significant share of their network. The percentage of the national network equipped with the ERTMS is highest (i.e. more than 30 %) in Belgium, Luxembourg and Slovenia. Sources and limitations Although the three TPS levels have been part of the CSI data collection for a long time, the levels have been redefined recently with a view to assuring harmonised reporting. However, not all IMs provide these data, and some may still be inaccurate. Regarding the Register of Railway Infrastructure (RINF), as the data are retrieved directly from the database, their reliability depends on the extent to which the information provided is up to date and complete. As specified in the terms of use of the RINF, ERA has no responsibility for or liability with regard to the information submitted and published in the database.
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Πηγή: https://syspeirosiaristeronmihanikon.blogspot.com/2024/04/0-tpss-2022.html?spref=fb

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